Adolescent Data Hub

The Adolescent Data Hub is a unique global portal to share and access data on adolescents living in low and middle-income countries.
771 Datasets
6 Regions
138 Countries
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Dataset of the month

Evaluation of the NISITU Program: Nairobi, Kenya - 2025

  • Kenya
  • Sub-Saharan Africa

This was a quasi-experimental study that reached out to 5500 participants (girls ages 10–19 and boys and young men ages 10–24) in Nairobi County-Kenya. The overall goal of the project was to test an intervention model to: 1) improve gender equitable norms among adolescent girls, boys, and young men; 2) reduce the experience of GBV among adolescent girls; and 3) reduce the perpetration of sexual violence and harassment by adolescent boys and young men.

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Displaying 10 Results Out of 771

Survey of Activities of Young People - 2019

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  • South Africa
  • Sub-Saharan Africa

The Survey of Activities of Young People is a household-based survey that collected data on the activities of children aged 7 to 17 years living in South Africa. The study aimed to: 1) understand the extent of children’s involvement in economic activities; 2) provide users with statistics on the number of working children; 3) supply information for the formulation of informed policy to combat child labor within the country; and 4) monitor the Child Labour Action Plan of the Department of Labour based on the findings. The survey collected data on market production activities, production for own final consumption, household chores, as well as activities that children engaged in at school.

Mexico National Survey of Health and Nutrition - 2016

Data Source
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  • Latin America & Caribbean
  • Mexico

The National Health and Nutrition Survey (ENSANUT) provides information on the state of health and nutritional conditions of the various groups that make up the Mexican population. The survey asked a series of questions about the state of health and nutrition, such as consumption of food and beverages, understanding of food labeling, long-term illnesses, physical activity, vaccination, health services and social programs of food aid to those that are accessed, among others.

Mexico National Health Survey - 2000

Data Source
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  • Latin America & Caribbean
  • Mexico

The Mexico National Health Survey (ENSA) 2000 aimed to provide information on the prevalence and frequency of chronic health conditions and to collect information to aid in the evaluation of health services. In-person interviews were conducted with children, adolescents, and adults within the home. Physical measurements of blood pressure, height, and weight were taken; blood samples and urine samples were also collected; and a sample of the household water was analyzed for chlorine content. The survey covered a range of topics, including demographic characteristics, health status, injuries, disability, maternal health, and the use of health services.