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Tsogolo la Thanzi ("Healthy Futures") - 2012

Data Source
  • Malawi
  • Sub-Saharan Africa

Tsogolo la Thanzi (TLT) is a longitudinal study in Balaka, Malawi designed to examine how young people navigate reproduction in an AIDS epidemic. The study collected data to develop a better understanding of the reproductive goals and behavior of young adults in Malawi — the first cohort to have never experienced life without AIDS.

Study Website
Adolescents: 1,000-2,499
  • Females and Males
Age Range:
  • 15-19
  • 20-24
Study Design:
  • Observational
Type of Data:
  • Longitudinal
Time Period: 2012; 2011; 2010; 2009
Areas Covered: Town: Balaka
Investigators: Jenny Trinitapoli (University of Chicago); Sara Yeatman (University of Colorado Denver)
Funders: National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD)
  • Not applicable
Notes: Not all funders provided funding for all survey rounds. Age during first survey round.
Community Engagement;
Demographic Characteristics - Urban and Rural;
Economics - Employment, Savings;
Education - Grade attainment/attendance, Learning;
Family/Household Structure;
Gender Attitudes/Beliefs - Marriage attitudes;
Health Care Access and Utilization;
HIV/AIDS and STIs - Testing, Treatment;
Mental Health;
Migration and Mobility;
Physical Health - Nutrition, Self-reported health;
Reproductive Health - Family planning/contraception, Fertility, Sexual behavior;
Subjective Expectations;
Time Use;
Violence - Sexual violence;