Safe and Smart Savings (Uganda) - 2011
Data Source- Sub-Saharan Africa
- Uganda
Safe and Smart Savings is a Population Council-developed program to help vulnerable adolescent girls build assets, support networks, and savings. The program combined weekly group meetings facilitated by a female mentor, financial education, health and life skills education, and formal individual savings accounts. Data were collected before and after the program was implemented to assess the impact of the program on girls’ social, health, and economic assets.
Study WebsiteTopics
Community Engagement;
Demographic Characteristics - Urban;
Economics - Employment, Savings;
Education - Grade attainment/attendance, School quality;
Family/Household Structure;
Gender Attitudes/Beliefs - Endorsement of violence against women, Gender role beliefs;
Health Care Access and Utilization;
HIV/AIDS and STIs - Knowledge, Testing;
Mental Health;
Migration and Mobility - Social Networks;
Reproductive Health - Family planning/contraception, Fertility, Sexual behavior;
Subjective Expectations;
Violence - Emotional/psychological violence, Sexual violence;