PACARDO: Data on Drug Use and Behavior in School-Aged Children and Teenagers in Panama, Central America, and the Dominican Republic, 1999-2000 (Nicaragua) - 2000
Data Source- Latin America & Caribbean
- Nicaragua
The PACARDO study, concatenated to combine Panamá (PA), Centroamérica (CA), and República Dominicana (RDO), is a multi-national collaborative epidemiological research study with the objective to record and describe self-reported drug use and behavior patterns among school-aged youths in Latin America.
Study WebsiteTopics
Community Engagement;
Demographic Characteristics - Urban and Rural;
Economics - Employment;
Education - Grade attainment/attendance;
Mental Health;
Physical Health - Self-reported health;
Social Networks;
Time Use;
Tobacco/Alcohol/Drug Use;
Violence - Emotional/psychological violence, Physical violence;