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Colombia Global School-Based Student Health Survey - 2007

Data Source
  • Colombia
  • Latin America & Caribbean

The Global School-Based Student Health Survey (GSHS) is a survey designed to assess health behaviors and protective factors among students to help countries develop priorities and advocate for school and youth health programs and priorities. It also establishes trends and allows international agencies to make comparisons across countries.

Study Website
Adolescents: 10,000+
  • Females and Males
Age Range:
  • 10-14
  • 15-19
Study Design:
  • Observational
Type of Data:
  • Cross-sectional
Time Period: 2007
Areas Covered: Bogota, Bucaramanga City, Cali City, Manizales, Valledupar City
Investigators: Ministerio de Salud y Proteccion Social de Colombia, Institutio Nacional de Cancerologia
Funders: WHO; U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC); UNICEF; UNESCO; UNAIDS
  • Global School-Based Student Health Survey (GSHS)
Notes: Number of adolescents is summed across all survey rounds.
Demographic Characteristics - Urban;
Economics - Employment;
Education - Grade attainment/attendance;
HIV/AIDS and STIs - Knowledge;
Physical Health - Anthropometry, Nutrition;
Reproductive Health - Sexual behavior;
Time Use;
Tobacco/Alcohol/Drug Use;
Violence - Emotional/psychological violence, Physical, Sexual violence;