Adolescent Girls Empowerment Programme (AGEP) - 2017
Data Source- Sub-Saharan Africa
- Zambia
The Adolescent Girls Empowerment Program is a randomized evaluation testing the effectiveness of a set of interventions aimed at improving vulnerable girls’ social, health, and economic resources so that they can stay in school longer; avoid early marriage; delay sexual activity; and prevent unintended pregnancy, HIV, and other STIs.
Study WebsiteTopics
Demographic Characteristics - Urban and Rural;
Economics - Employment, Savings;
Education - Grade attainment/attendance, Learning, School quality;
Family/Household Structure;
Gender Attitudes/Beliefs - Endorsement of violence against women, Gender role beliefs, Marriage attitudes;
HIV/AIDS and STIs - Knowledge, Testing;
Mental Health;
Migration and Mobility - Social Networks;
Physical Health - Nutrition, Self-reported health;
Reproductive Health - Family planning/contraception, Fertility, Sexual behavior;
Violence - Emotional/psychological violence, Physical violence, Sexual violence;